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Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Stranger in the Night*

Today I went out at about 12:30 to play soccer for two hours (the allotted rec time for the day). I've grown accustomed to the mild weather, so the recent heat wave caught me off guard.I sweat it out like a pimple-faced teenager on his first date and was exhausted to boot. After the third game (we play to three) everyone was beat and off the field. I think I'll only be going out for the evening rec times once the real Texas heat kicks in.

Tonight at about 3:00 AM I was wakened by a guard yelling,"All right guys, everybody get up and come into the hall one at a time to strip down!"

Apparently someone had been tattooing but they couldn't tell who it was in the dark, so they were going to just check everyone in the dorm. However, the guy getting the work done showed his fresh tattoo and the tattoo gun was taken up. The guards called off the body search and people were able to go to sleep again.

Well, they would have been able to go back to sleep if some people hadn't become emotional and antagonistic toward the guards and just started yelling. Nothing like some early morning drama to keep the guys from getting some shuteye.

Never greet a stranger in the night, for he may be a demon. -Talmud

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