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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Horned Frog Radio

My world of music just got much better. For the first time since arriving at this unit, I am able to pick up the TCU radio station, KTCU 88.7. That was the first station I looked for on the dial when I got here and I was disappointed that I found static in its
place. The TCU radio station was one of two stations I listened before my incarceration, the other being KERA, the local NPR station.

Shortly after I arrived here a new station came on the air that played indie artists that I'd heard of. KXT started out great, but has been playing more and more 70''s and 80s music, moving away from the new stuff that I wanted to hear. My friend, West, had repeatedly told me about brief periods of time where he picked up KTLV. This gave me hope. College radio was out there and I was going to tune in.

After stripping the cord to a broken pair of headphones and manipulating the coverage for about an hour to find the sweet spot, I was met with success. KTCU came in stereo and even with some static, it was worth the effort. College radio, in all its goofy,

eclectic glory, is mine to hear once again. That includes Fanboy Radio, a weekly talk show about comics, to indulge my nerdy soul. The only thing better would be making my own playlists. Hopefully that isn't too far away, either.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Leaving for $$$

This afternoon Dawson, my coworker, was called out by a friend and told that he would be on chain the following morning. He will be going to a unit in Lockhart, the only place in Texas I know of where inmates are paid to work.

Really? Do they have any kind of screening in place? This guy took advantage of every perk in the library, dug through and rearranged nearly everything behind the desk, and made mistakes beyond counting. It seems to me that if a unit was going to hire inmates for pay they would at least find out how they worked elsewhere.

I'm glad for anyone who has the chance to make money for themselves. I just hope Dawson is able to pick up some work habits to take with him when he gets out.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Soccer (without cleats, of course...)

Time once again for the unit-wide soccer tournament. The draft took place last week and my team is truly horrible. I was our captain's first pick, followed by one other actual soccer player. Everyone else West picked was completely inexperienced in the sport. I don't know if the field of players was really so bad or if West just didn't recognize available players. Either way, we were s_____d (rhymes with "dude").

Our first game today was ridiculous - a 4-0 stomping. Most of our inexperience
was placed on defense. It was there that they displayed not only their inept soccer skills, but also their lack of fitness. If they weren't in our goalie's way they were miles away from the ball without any desire to get any closer. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not by much.

My style of soccer is as a play-maker. I usually need someone who is able to finish the play I create. Often the opportunities take one or two touches to capitalize on for a goal. That didn't work at all, My ball control isn't rust-free so i couldn't weave the defense either, so we were just stuck.

After this loss, we have one more game to redeem ourselves and stay in the tournament. In order to win that one, we will need to find some unrecruited players and come up with a good game plan. Anything less and we're gone for good.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mess makers

With the two new guys n the library and my release coming anytime this summer, I'm trying to take a step back form work and let the new guys take over. I figure that I can show them how to do the uncommon tasks, like adding or deleting books, when the opportunity arises. Just in case, I do leave before I'm able to teach them, II typed up a how-to manual for the library, complete with daily tasks and screenshots for walk-throughs of the trickier stuff.

Unfortunately, one of the new guys didn't wait to learn and completely ignored the walk-throughs when adding and deleting books yesterday. He seems to be in a massive hurry to get everything. As we all know - or quickly discover - mistakes pop up like weeds when you rush through something, even when the task is almost second nature. I've told this guy, Dawson, that most of our work is not time-sensitive, but it's like screaming at a submerged swimmer form above the waterline.

It took two hours for me to clean up the mess in our database and another hour to fix the tags on the books themselves. We probably could have done the entire process together in about an hour. That's the cost of impatience.

Yeah, this is a prison library where the workers don't apply for the positions and aren't paid anyway, but the lesson carries to the streets. The habits formed here will stay with him.

I hope Dawson can pull a 180 - or at least a modest 90 - because I don't want to see all my work wasted. I don't want these guys on the inside deprived of a decent library on top of every other thing missing in their lives. I hope the new guys will maintain the progress achieved over the past year and a half.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

li·brar·y: [lahy-brer-ee] - noun

For the first time in a couple weeks I have coworkers, two of them. That makes this the most workers in the library since my first week. There's not much room behind our desk, so I've been sitting at one of the four tables in our tiny library. The fire code only allows fifteen people inside at a time. After my boss, my coworkers and myself, there is only room for eleven, technically. In reality, we pack twenty during our busy periods.

My main goal right now is to get these new guys trained. I'll be leaving soon and I don't want the library to fade into disrepair when I leave. For the past six months, I have done nearly all the work myself - my boss and coworkers have been pretty lazy. It's like that old maxim: if you want anything done right, you gotta do it yourself.

I think these two guys will be able to do my job just fine. The question is - do they want to? Will they care enough about providing something for the other guys to look forward to - a good library with good service? Time will tell.