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Saturday, April 9, 2011


My family has been a board-gaming family for as long as I can remember. There were many evenings or Sunday afternoons [passed with a couple rounds of Pit, Othello, or any of the other games that occupied the top shelf of our entry room closet. Now I hear about game nights that my family hosts along new games I've never played. One game they raved about was Dixit, a French import that I had read great reviews for. Best of all, it's a card game so we could get a copy here.

My mom sent a copy of the expansio
n, which can also be played as a standalone. Tonight was the first time we played and it was a hit. You play by describing the picture on a card in such a way that everyone else contributes a card to make a lineup, at least one person, but not everyone, guesses your card.

The cards have very trippy artwork, so that it is difficult to even come up with a description at
times. It is a game that almost anyone can play, which makes it great for this environment where not everyone has the brains for a strategy game.

We spent the whole game holding our ribs from laughter. The descriptions and cards that matches them were so off the wall that you couldn't help but chuckle. I can tell we will have fun with this one fo
r a good while.

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