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Thursday, April 14, 2011

A strange occurrence

Today has been pretty surreal.

I was insulted to the core by the principal, my boss' boss. She and the counselor came to the library this morning and asked me and my coworker to go to the hallway. After about ten minutes we were invited back in and the principal talked to all of us about the magazines we were ordering. It was during this conversation that she said the following:

Mr. Johnson, I've heard that you are a member of the Aryan Brotherhood. That is a group that hates blacks, hates Jews, and if you didn't know your boss' boss is a Jew, that's me. If I hear anything about you hating on anyone, I will put my hands on you and they will have to take you out of here on a stretcher and they will have to carry me off the unit."

When I heard this my jaw dropped. A look of confusion formed on my face. After slowly turning from my boss to my coworker to see their reactions, I said, quite naturally, "I'm confused."

Mr. Johnson, I'm not going to allow you to speak right now," directed the principal.

I stayed quiet.

When the principal and counselor left, my boss went to the front to tell her mom, who happens to be the warden's secretary, what had happened. I went next door to my friend, Le, and his boss, who is responsible for keeping the unit accredited. My adrenaline was flowing so fast that I couldn't even talk for five minutes. When I was finally able to spit out what had happened, Le's boss told me to write a statement. That would have been easy enough if my hands were still in control instead of shaking like a jackhammer. Thirty minutes, two cups of coffee and a water bottle later I started writing my statement.

First, I couldn't believe that the principal thought I was an idiot gang member. As a Christian I try to show Christ's love to anyone who receives it and I don't know how she got the impression that I hated anyone.

Secondly, she physically threatened me, something that many people end up in jail for. I don't know what will happen to her, but I hope she stays gone. She was escorted off the unit this afternoon and I'm told it is likely that she will not keep her job.

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