Last night I had a good discussion with Biscuit about what we believe. He calls himself a pagan and says he follows the pagan bible. I've never met a pagan so I was curious to find out what it was all about. Our discussion lasted from getting off work until breakfast - several hours - and was not antagonistic at all. That is, except for the interruptions from Ugly (Ugly is his chosen nickname) where he just called Biscuit stupid over and over again for believing what he does and not in Christianity.
Biscuit said pagans believe that everyone can become a god if they do something worth remembering, good or bad. I asked him what the benefit of being a god would be if you are dead. His reply was that you are remembered, nothing else. He said he prays to gods, but doesn't think that they actually do anything. Biscuit also asserts that each person has a personal heaven and hell especially made for them. Right and wrong is whatever you want it to be, not absolute at all.
I told him there has to be an absolute right and wrong or else there wouldn't be universal laws against harming another person. I explained to him how the Christian life life should be lived like Christ and, if that is done, no harm will be done to anyone. He wanted to know why Jesus, so I explained that Jesus was God's Son and had many witnesses to the miracles that he did, including resurrection. I know the conversations that I have will never sway anyone to Christ, but I pray that the Holy Spirit would work in their lives. I really don't want any of these guys to come back to prison or suffer a worse fate later on.
"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." - 1 Corinthians 3:6-7
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