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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

li·brar·y: [lahy-brer-ee] - noun

For the first time in a couple weeks I have coworkers, two of them. That makes this the most workers in the library since my first week. There's not much room behind our desk, so I've been sitting at one of the four tables in our tiny library. The fire code only allows fifteen people inside at a time. After my boss, my coworkers and myself, there is only room for eleven, technically. In reality, we pack twenty during our busy periods.

My main goal right now is to get these new guys trained. I'll be leaving soon and I don't want the library to fade into disrepair when I leave. For the past six months, I have done nearly all the work myself - my boss and coworkers have been pretty lazy. It's like that old maxim: if you want anything done right, you gotta do it yourself.

I think these two guys will be able to do my job just fine. The question is - do they want to? Will they care enough about providing something for the other guys to look forward to - a good library with good service? Time will tell.

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