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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Soccer (without cleats, of course...)

Time once again for the unit-wide soccer tournament. The draft took place last week and my team is truly horrible. I was our captain's first pick, followed by one other actual soccer player. Everyone else West picked was completely inexperienced in the sport. I don't know if the field of players was really so bad or if West just didn't recognize available players. Either way, we were s_____d (rhymes with "dude").

Our first game today was ridiculous - a 4-0 stomping. Most of our inexperience
was placed on defense. It was there that they displayed not only their inept soccer skills, but also their lack of fitness. If they weren't in our goalie's way they were miles away from the ball without any desire to get any closer. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not by much.

My style of soccer is as a play-maker. I usually need someone who is able to finish the play I create. Often the opportunities take one or two touches to capitalize on for a goal. That didn't work at all, My ball control isn't rust-free so i couldn't weave the defense either, so we were just stuck.

After this loss, we have one more game to redeem ourselves and stay in the tournament. In order to win that one, we will need to find some unrecruited players and come up with a good game plan. Anything less and we're gone for good.

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