"Always with you this freedom! For your walled-up country always to shout 'Freedom! Freedom!' as if it were obvious to all people what it wants to mean, this word. But look: it is not so simple as that. Your freedom is freedom-from: no one tells your precious individual U.S.A. selves what they must do. It is this meaning only, this freedom form constraint and forced duress... But what of the freedom-to? Not just freedom-from? Not all compulsion comes from without. You pretend you do not see this. What of freedom-to. How for the person to freely choose? How to choose any but a child's choices if there is no loving-filled father to guide, inform, teach the person how to choose? How is there freedom to choose if one does not learn how to choose?
"Now the story of the rich man.
"The rich man who can afford the cost of candy as well as food for the children.: but if he cries out 'Freedom!" and allows his child to choose only what is sweet, eating only candy, not pea soup and bread and eggs, so his child becomes weak and sick: is the rich man who cries 'Freedom!' the good father?"
~ David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest
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