OJ is back.
After weeks of negotiations with the major and warden about moving back to R-pad, it finally went through. It took some gathering of allies on the pod, but it did happen. Omar and I even put together a celebratory meal to welcome him back. Prison pizza followed by a couple of good games of Munchkin is hard to beat for a good time around here.
Lelan also came back last night and was at work this morning. I got to hear about his vacation during our lunch break. He had a personal meeting with the parole folks, too, a conversation just long enough to require a leave from the unit. He would have been back sooner, but somehow got lost in the system during transit. If that isn't a scary anecdote from prison - escape, lost parole, injury - and no one would know anything because the person isn't in the system. I can think of one good way to cut down that problem. Bookkeeping is easier with less to keep track of, so, let many of us go, especially those of us with technical probation or parole violations. We were sent here because we were, at most, a headache for our probation officer, not because we were a threat to society.
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