Last night I received a surprise when layins were handed out. I was scheduled to have my second parole interview today. Whoa, this is very early. I didn't expect it to come until late next month at the earliest. I guess this just further proves that there is no rhyme or reason to the Texas parole system.
So, after getting prayed up and pumped up, I went to see the unit parole man this morning. I don't even know why they even want another interview. I never see anyone who actually votes on my parole and the guy I did see does nothing more than ask if anything has changed since the last time I was interviewed.
Yeah, stuff has changed. I'm a little older, wiser and more anxious to go home.
In truth, I hate going into these interviews. I feel like I'm going into a test that I've studied hard for, sitting down to fill out all the answers correctly, knowing I should pass with flying colors. then walking out having no idea how I will be graded. If there were a million things wrong with the Texas judicial and criminal justice (misnomer) system - and there are - parole is definitely one of them. I've seen guys with zero disciplinary problems and a zillion self-improvements go before parole and get shot down, while crooked a troublemaker who has been put in higher custody since coming to prison gets to leave. There's no logic to that. If they cause problems in here, aren't they more likely to cause them out there among the community that the system is supposedly trying to keep safe? It's as if the system is trying to justify its existence by showing the community their dangerous criminals while holding back those that can be positive reflections of the system's results. It's beyond me.
I just want to go home.
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