Sunday morning at church I saw a face I didn't ever expect to see again. My friend, Heinz, left for INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services) court last week to hear whether he would be allowed to stay in the U.S. or be deported to Germany, where he hasn't lived since the age of five. INS decided to let him stay and we praised God together.
After the service, I told him about my parole answer and asked him to be praying for me to have guidance on my decision to accept it or not. He said that he would definitely be in prayer and asked if I would like to fast with him. I said yes and that it would be for Monday and Tuesday.
So, over the past two days I have fasted, acknowledging God's sovereignty over the situation and asking that my decision would be in accordance with His will. I chose Psalm 5 as my prayer. Both days were spent in prayer, reading and singing. I'm glad my cellmate is gone during the day because the solitude was great to have.
This was the first fast I've done since high school that I can remember. There were a few guys who asked why I was giving away my food at all the meals. I did get hungry and was lightheaded during my light workout. But the time with God was awesome.
Now, after eating with Alan and Chris to break the fast, I don't feel like I was given a direct answer on what my decision should be, but I do feel a peace in my leaning toward turning down the treatment. And I know I will have Him with me along either path.
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