"Lo, I woke up and it was beautiful blue sunshine sky and I went out in my alpine yard and thereit was, everything Japhy siad it was, hundreds of miles of pure snow-covered rocks and virgin lakes and high timber, and below, instead of the world, I saw a sea of marshmallow clouds, flat as a roof and extending miles in every direction, creaming all the valleys, what they call low-level clouds, on my 6600- foot pinnacle it was far below me. I brewed coffee on the stove and came out and warmed my mist-drenched bones in the hot sun of my little woodsteps. I said "tee-hee" to a big furry cony and he calmly enjoyed a minute with me gazing at the sea clouds. I made bacon and eggs, dug a garbage pit a hundred yards down the trail, hauled wood and identified landmarks with my panoramic and firefinder and named all the magic rocks and clefts, names Japhy sung to me so often: Jack Mountain, Mount Terror, Mount Fury, Mount Challenger, Mount Despair, Golden Horn, Sourdough, Crater Peak, Ruby, Mount Baker, bigger than the world in the western distance, Jackass Mountain, Cinnamon, Trouble, Lightning, and Freezeout. And it was all mine, not another human pair of eyes in the world were looking at this immense cycloramic universe of matter."
- Jack Kerouac, Dharma Bums