I don' think it went as well as she wanted because I have been kinda down recently. I don't feel like I'm worth anything to anyone while I'm in here and that I'm at another pointless place wasting my time when I should be outside in school, ministry, and family. I miss life, the real life, not this contrived excuse for one that is lived behind razor wire.
I told someone today that I think that everyone should be in counseling for at least six months. Especially after living in prison and returning to the real world, counseling helps you know who you are and how to help yourself from getting into bad mental states. His response was that you have to be weak-minded to be depressed. To that I said that the world must be full of weak-minded people because there are many people that get depressed out there. I think it takes a strong mind to admit that you are hurting and to seek ways, good healthy ways, to relieve the pain.